Beautiful Lie [CD+DVD] - Importado
This edition [IMPORT] entitled Beautiful Lie, is the 30 loja Seconds to Mars release, one preco of the greatest 30 seconds to mars names in the loja world music. The album Beautiful Lie [CD+DVD] - Importado brings together fantastic songs along with the best of its style, as its very clear venda thru tracks such as "A escritor Beautiful Lie" and 30 seconds to mars "Battle of One", venda some of the highlights. Beautiful Lie [CD+DVD] - Importado An incredible work. Check it out!
Ano: 2006
Gênero: Alternative & Indie Rock
Virgin; ASIN: 094638454526
Disco 1
1. ATTACK2. A Beautiful preco Lie3. The Kill Listen4. submarino Was It A 30 seconds to mars Dream?5. The Fantasy6. preco Savior7. From Yesterday8. The Beautiful Lie [CD+DVD] - Importado Story9. R-Evolve10. A Modern Myth11. Battle of One12. Hunter13. BONUS TRACK The Kill (rebirth)
Disco 2
1. escritor The Kill [DVD]2. The autor Making of The 30 seconds to mars Kill [DVD]3. The escritor International Music Feed Interview Beautiful Lie [CD+DVD] - Importado [DVD]4. ATTACK (MTV2´S GREATEST MOMENTS 2006) [DVD]5. The Kill (MTV2´S GREATEST MOMENTS 2006) [DVD]6. The submarino Fantasy (Fan-generated take) [DVD]7. T-Minus barato Rock Interview [DVD]8. 30 seconds to mars Red Carpet Arrival submarino (MTV VIDEO MUSIC AWARDS) Beautiful Lie [CD+DVD] - Importado [DVD]9. MTV2 Award Acceptance Speech [DVD]10. MTV2 $2Bill Internet Promo [DVD]11. MTV2 $2Bill Pre-Sale Tour autor Promo [DVD]12. MTV2 $2Bill Ticket premiado Sale Tour Promo 30 seconds to mars [DVD]